Saturday, 30 April 2016

Episode 31 - Captain America

Seen Civil War? Liked it? Good for you, just be glad you didn't have to watch Cap's 1990 affair, the appropriately and inventively titled Captain America. Vid Neg's latest episode sees the gang focus their rockets' red glare on the film's misguided machine gun slaughters, Steve Rodgers' less than heroic (criminal) tendencies as the eponymous character, and a twenty minute sojourn in Rome - all as the world is about to end (or some shit). Also featured, an infomercial for history's greatest speeches, and is Sam, the conspiracy theorist-obsessed journalist, responsible for all of the world's tragedies? By the dawn's early light, don't miss out on this one! 

Saturday, 2 April 2016

Episode 30 - Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers: The Movie

Requested by Brett Millen and the Wrestling Rewind Podcast, the Vid Neg crew sit down to review 1995's piss poor Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers: The Movie. Firmly in the "nostalgia buster" category, any good memories of the classic TV show are dashed by 97 minutes of repetitive action, dull characters and shapeless plotting. What's with all the backflips? Why do the Rangers drag their heels when time is so clearly of the essence? And does walking off a ledge really constitute falling to your doom? All the hard-hitting questions answered in this mighty, morphin' episode!