Wednesday, 30 December 2015

Episode 26 - Fifty Shades of Grey

The Vid Neg crew round off the year by whipping themselves into shape with the as-voted-for-by-you "Worst Film of 2015" Fifty Shades of Grey. It's another episode full of mass debating as Tim and Ol face off against Dan's noble (but pointless) defence of the film, as they take issue with the inane, tedious plot, woeful characterisation and lifeless sex scenes. Plenty of boner jams in this one, check it out before they return in the new year!

Wednesday, 23 December 2015

Episode 25 - Santa With Muscles

The gang are back to face an old foe in Video Negative's Christmas special! That's right, Hulk Ho-ho-hogan is back with his appalling Crimbo vehicle Santa With Muscles! Plenty of yuletide yuks in this one. Also: The Hogan teat has been milked dry, so Tim puts Dan to the test with a true or false quiz about some of wrestling's weirdest and wackiest and sexual assaultiest (?) incidents ever. Don't miss out!