"It's Halloween, everyone's entitled to their 275th
jump scare". The deadliest coven on the internet reconvene for their
Halloween special, a review of 1998's Halloween H20! (Is that description great
for the old SEO or what?).
We talk inappropriate reactions to PTSD, the Michael/Mike
Myers conundrum, L(adies) L(ove) Cool J(ames)'s incredible erotic literature
and Tim theories whether the Haddonfield slasher is actually a reincarnated
cat. Plus, Myers takes a hellacious 50 foot spill off a church balcony through
a table, complete with commentary from good old Jim Ross himself. No tricks,
just treats on our scarily good Halloween episode!
Plus, we're getting an early start on our end-of-year Worst
Film of 2016 episode! Like last year, we're putting it to you, the VNPeeps, to
decide which film we'll look at as our final episode of the year. Go here to
vote for the film you want us to review: https://pollev.com/bravefu405?_ga=1.96843743.1598436545.1477938081